
Tuesday, June 2, 2020

WR 10



Tennis is a fun sport for children, adults and also 3rd year. You need a racket, tennis ball, a net, a tennis court. You can be good or not good, but that is not important. There are six games to play. In a game the points are: fifteen , thirty, forty and you have a game. You must hit the ball with a racket, yu mustn't throw the ball wide, it must be in the middle of the court, should be centre. 

The ball must go over the net and then into the rival's court, in your court and this is a pount for him. The court is very big for you can go very fast and is very walk in some court. Its very funny for me, because has got many happy moments, use arms and legs, in the football only use legs. If you win six games, you win the match.

Tuesday, April 28, 2020

WR 8



My photo is very fanny. When arrive it's raining, my brother play football in the street.

In England always it's raining. We are walk in the street, we have got three umbrellas for four persons: my father, my mother, my brother and I. My mother has got  a blue t-shirt and jeans, my father has got a brown sweter and trousers, my brother has got a white shirt and trousers, and me too.
In my bag there are: three pens, two shirt, a camera, fourty pounds, twenty euros, eight fish sandwiches, ten tomatoes and meat sandwiches, eight sausaces sandwiches, four recipes and four forks, five plates and five spoon. 

Behing there is beautiful monuments: eye's London, the Big Ben, Britain  parlament... These my favorite holiday. It's all very fanny.